Important Announcements!
Virtual Student Schedule
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 982 403 538 Passcode: 013504
Daily Assignments!
Week 8: February 22-26
Monday "A"/Tuesday "B"
Week 7: February 16-19
This week's schedule:
Week 6: February 8-12 ***END OF PROGRESS REPORT
Monday "A"/ Tuesday "B"
Week 5: February 1-5By the end of this week! You should be able to answer:
Week 4: January 25-29
This week's schedule:
Week 3: January 19-22
By the end of the week student should be able to answer:
Week 2: January 11-15
This week we will analyze the evidence regarding formation of simple organic molecules.
Monday "A"/ Tuesday "B"
Week 1: January 5-8
Tuesday "A"/Wednesday "B"
Monday "A"/Tuesday "B"
- Classification review- Kahoot
- Classification Quiz
- Copy Intro to Ecology Vocab in your notesbook ***Attendance***
- TELPAS writing sample
- Intro to Ecology- Food web/food chains
Week 7: February 16-19
This week's schedule:
- Tuesday= A
- Wednesday= B
- Thursday= A
- Friday= B
- Copy Kingdom Table
- Kingdom Lab
- Kingdom video- Ed Puzzle
- Kingdom Quizizz
Week 6: February 8-12 ***END OF PROGRESS REPORT
Monday "A"/ Tuesday "B"
- Intro to Classification on Nearpod- take notes!
- Complete Classification EdPuzzle
- Notes on Kingdoms
Week 5: February 1-5By the end of this week! You should be able to answer:
- In what ways does natural selection affect populations?
- In what ways can environmental conditions affect natural selection?
- Gene pool and Genetic Drift Nearpod
- HW: Copy 4 words of genetic drift and upload to Schoology by Wednesday***
- Complete survey for attendance
- Makeup day- turn in any work you are missing!!!
- Must attend Zoom if you are failing!
- Start Taxonomy- Intro to Kingdoms
Week 4: January 25-29
This week's schedule:
- Monday "A"
- Tuesday "C"
- Wednesday "B"
- Thursday "A"
- Friday "B"
- Natural Selection Quiz on Schoology ****Attendance
- Evidence for Evolution Video and Questions
- Evidence for Evolution Review
- Evidence for Evolution Quiz
Week 3: January 19-22
By the end of the week student should be able to answer:
- In what ways does natural selection affect populations?
- Review last week's nearpod- Intro to Evolution
- Vocabulary Quizizz
- Natural Selection virtual lab ***Due by the end of class***
Week 2: January 11-15
This week we will analyze the evidence regarding formation of simple organic molecules.
Monday "A"/ Tuesday "B"
- Intro and notes to Miller Urey (Nearpod Code: 7DG6Q)
- Assignment: History of Life Webquest (must be handwritten in your notebook and upload to Schoology by Wednesday @ 11:59 pm)
- Ed Puzzle "What is Evolution?" due by 4 pm *** attendance ***
Week 1: January 5-8
Tuesday "A"/Wednesday "B"
- Review Genetics- Nearpod
- Review District Benchmark
- Prepare for next unit --> EVOLUTION!