Vocabulary you need to know: Clean Air Act, Primary vs Secondary pollutants, NOx, CO, O3, VOx, Particulate Matter, Mercury from Coal (where does it come from, human impacts), temperature inversions, CFCs, Montreal Protocol, Acid Deposition, Effects of Air Pollution (give examples)
Upload your notes on Schoology by Thursday @ 4pm
Practice FRQ on College Board- It will only be available on Friday from 8am-4pm
It will be timed 40 minutes
Week of April 13th-17th
Send me picture of seedlings- if you don't have your seedling find a plant that you can conduct an experiment on.
Upload to Schoology
Watch the following videos/documentaries and post and comment on discussion board on Schoology.
HW: Finish presentations---Exam on Wednesday! Grade and correct Urbanization FRQ- grading rubric!
Math Review
Math Exam!
HW: College Board Unit 5 Progress Check (Part A and Part B). It is due Monday before class with corrections. For corrections your must write a definitions/draw a picture/copy justifications/it must be justified! YOU ONLY HAVE 40 MINUTES TO DO EACH SECTION. Test taken with corrections will replace your lowest grade.
3/3. *I'm out today! Math Quiz has been postponed until Thursday! Turn in Mining Lab and complete the following:
McGraw Hill Urbanization reading/notes. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS! Cut off time is 2:20 pm.
Complete "Seed Experiment" worksheet and upload it to Google Drive. Save it with your first name initial and full last name.
Native Seeds Seeds
2/3- Finish watching Food Inc. We stopped at minute 36 and there is 57 minutes left. Please pay attention and do not be on your phones or computers. Thank you,
Once you finish watching you need to start writing your reflections paper.
TOPICS to consider while writing:
How has industrialized agriculture changed the way we eat and grow our food?
Should companies like Monsanto be able to own the DNA contained in plant seeds? What would this look like in 20 years? Or in 50?
What are some of the most serious health problems in your community?
When people are unhealthy because of the food they eat, who do you believe is responsible?
SOLUTIONS: Here are some local farms/farmers markets:
HW: Write a 1 page (single-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman) reflection paper focusing on above topics, solutions and readings. Due 12/5 by 12 pm- email to [email protected] or [email protected] (with access to view and edit).
Make sure you are up to date on McGraw Hill Reading (I reopened it) and Prezi from 1/30.
1/30- No class today.
HW: Go through Prezi Presentation and take notes. Check on your plants update WS in Google Drive.
HW: Unit 4 Progress Check on College Board--- real quiz next class!
Soil/ Geology Quiz
Intro to Atmosphere Notes/PPT
Coriales Effect
Ocean Current
Create individual folder (using your full name as a title) in Google drive for Lemon Seed Experiment. Fill out WS with information regarding your soil % .
HW: Finish notes on Atmosphere PPT and update Google drive and soil %
HW: Review Geology PPT and take notes. We will be making soil for the lemon tree lab on Friday. I need a picture of your seeds germinanting and you need to be ready with your soil %. You must have your % to create soil.
Please research best ways to grow a lemmon tree from seed. We will check on seeds next class. Here is the experiment you will be conducting over the next couple of weeks.
Then you need to research the dust bowl using the following link and watch the videos (the website is slow so be patient). Then you need to write a reflection paper on the dustbowl. Be prepared to share what you learned next class.